Monday, July 15, 2013

Try Diet Pattern: Wine and Chocolate

In addition to making slim, it makes a heart-healthy diet and reduce risk of senile

Try Diet Pattern: Wine and Chocolate
Who does not want to enjoy chocolate and a glass of wine every day. Moreover, it turns out the wine and eating chocolate can make weight shrink, and make the heart healthier. In addition, it can also reduce the risk of dementia (a disease related to memory capacity), and diabetes.

It sounds "too good to be true", but that's the result of research of Professor Roger Corder, a medical expert from England. Research has been conducted Corder for 25 years, for
found an association between consumption of wine or wine and heart health.

"I am doing this research for many years, to discover the health benefits of wine," said Corder.

"For optimal results, I recommend to consume a glass of red wine every day," added Corder. Red wine contains chemicals that procyanidin, which can also be found in dark chocolate kind.

Procynidin can help help accelerate blood circulation. Then, can reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (DHL) in the body. Some foods that also have these chemicals are berries, nuts, apples, and cinnamon.

If you are interested in joining the "Wine Diet", Professor. Corder provide some clues.

Red Wine: Try drinking red wine at a dose of 125 ml / cup every day. However, no more than 2 cups per day. Choose the type of red wine that is not from the kind of light. Because of the type of light red wine does not have enough for the procyanidin content of health.

In his book, Prof.. Corder advised to choose a red wine with tannin levels, acidity, and has a greater sense kuat.Sebagai example, choose a type of red wine, Cabernet Sauvignon, Bordeaux, or Merlot.

Chocolate Black: Try to eat two or three pieces of dark chocolate every day (if you're not drinking red wine you can replace it by eating dark chocolate).

Diet: Eat three meals a day, if you want to try a snack: an apple, 4 pieces of walnuts. Do not forget to eat green vegetables to increase antioxidants can counteract free radicals in the body.

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