Sunday, July 07, 2013

Try Banana Diet!

Try Banana Diet
Since former Japanese opera singer Kumiko Mori announced, her weight declined by about 7 pounds in a short time thanks to the morning banana diet, diet known is the morning banana diet also popular in a short time.

Method developed diet pharmacists, Hitoshi Watanabe of Tokyo, Japan's direct 'on the rise. Because the stories from Mori and other celebrities spread from mouth to mouth. In addition, the publication on the internet, television, magazine articles, and books written Watanabe.

So booming, since it is very difficult to find a similar bananas at the supermarket shelves in Japan. Banana prices also jumped sharply. With the promotion of Japanese celebrities and selling diet books to sell more than 600,000 copies, the demand of the fruit is not at all indicate a decrease.

This diet is quite simple. At breakfast, you just need to eat a banana and a cup of warm water. In the afternoon and evening, you may eat any food, and snacking.
But, there is prohibition. Do not eat again in the top eight in the evening and avoid dairy products, such as ice cream, cheese, and alcohol, after dinner. Sweets should only be eaten during the day.

New slimming program from Japan is even more loved by many women. Moreover, it turns out, those who undergo this diet does not need to work hard to get the desired weight.

Hitoshi Watanabe explains, this banana diet can reduce weight, because bananas contain enzymes that can accelerates the process of digestion and defecation, resulting in weight loss. As well, the content of starch in bananas can also make rumbling stomach fast.

Although loved by many women, there are many experts who doubt the ability of this diet. According to them, the banana does not have a specific content is effective for weight loss. If you really want to lose weight, you have to be disciplined diet and exercise regularly.

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