Tuesday, July 02, 2013

How to Eat and Healthy Eating

Healthy Eat
Image: google

Adjusting Mechanism How to Eat

If you want your waist management plan goes well, in the sense of really successful for a lifetime, a proper diet should be implemented automatically as we did our ancestors.

It was not as difficult as it seems. Just look at any of the research wrote in the journal of the American Medical Association. There are two groups of people are charged with two different types of diets. The first group of many foods that are good for the body as whole grains, fruits, nuts, and olive oil; foods commonly found in Mediterranean style diet. Other groups were not given specific instructions regarding food should be consumed, but were instructed to adjust the percentage of carbohydrate intake, and daily protein. In short, the two groups have a lot of thinking in preparing food and divide that number, while the first group only had to follow the guidelines that have been set.

The second group was not told about the amount of food that may be eaten, they let hunger determines the pattern of fulfillment. After two runs each diet, what happened? Without trying hard, the first group consumed less calories, successfully reducing waist circumference, and weight loss.

Eureka! The point is, the people who belong with the first group only eat foods that keep them fed naturally so their bodies can reach the ideal number.

• Groups that eating healthy foods for the body to consume more fiber significantly compared with the control group the percentage of intake.

• Groups that eating healthy foods for the body to consume more omega-3 fats contained in olive, fish, and nuts (especially walnuts similar). Fats are good for the body that helps improve the chemical elements that make you feel full.

• Groups that eating healthy foods for the body multiplies the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

The first group has foods recommended in the YOU Diet (Dr. Oz), without confusing calories and let the body work as it should, its regulate chemical elements that cause hunger and satiety.

Do Until Less Eat

when our ancestors could not find food and undergo periods of starvation, their bodies act as a lifeline to store fat in anticipation of the inevitable drought. The same system applies in the present. Eureka! When you attempt to "diet" by eating very few calories in a long time, the brain will detects the starvation and sends SOS signals throughout the body to store fat because "famine" is coming soon. That is why people with extreme fasting and very low calorie diet cannot lose weight in line with expectations. Their bodies store fat instead according to the natural protection mechanisms. To lose weight, you have to prevent the body from turning on "starvation alarm". The only way to fill the stomach it is in reasonable frequency, several times a day, with meals and healthy snacks.

Arrange Your Food

Start your day with knowing when and what food will be eaten. That way, you avoid the 180-degree change among hunger and chew greedily each time skipping meals. Diet 14 days we will show you how to design a diet that nourishes your body on a regular basis to prevent extreme periods are filled with excess or shortage of eating that will lead to weight gain and waist circumference.

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