Side effects of diet pills
But, if you are aware, there is no slimming drugs that are completely free from side effects? In fact, according to pharmacist Miyuki Anderson, of Bartell Drugs in Seattle, the United States, if not careful, instead of an ideal body weight is obtained, it is a series of negative effects of the drug, could 'undermine' your body.
Miyuki also added, in principle, how the slimming drugs that reduce the intake of foods that are digested in the body. So, it does not mean you do not eat food at all. If diet pills are consumed, while living a healthy lifestyle, side effects can be minimized anyway.
Well, can reduce the negative impact, first identify the group. What is it, anyway?
Accelerate satiety
Also affect the way the brain works. Ie, multiply the production of serotonin so that the stomach feel full faster. Use of these drugs should be knowledge of physicians, because dangerous side effects, which will produce the effect of rising blood pressure, anxiety, constipation, and headache. Sibutramin hydrochloride belong to this group.Solution: Since only eat in small portions, stomach faster 'full', you'll want to consume nutrient-rich foods. Wrong, for example, you eat a fried banana. Stomach is full, but no nutrients. So, you must be smart in choosing healthy foods, like vegetables and fruits.
Appetite suppressant
The workings of this drug is to suppress the hunger center in the brain, so no appetite. The content of this class of drug, amphetamine, dekstroamphetamine, metaamphetamine, detilpropion, mazindol, benzfetamin, and phenylpropanolamine.If you use one, these types can cause tremors, heart palpitations, insomnia, restlessness, and dry mouth. Worse, for people with hypertension, the types of classes of drugs can make blood pressure rise suddenly, which can cause blood vessel rupture, resulting in a stroke.
Solution: Eat regularly with enough food portions, and contain balanced nutrition to reduce side effects. But, you have to be careful, because pressing the nerve, commonly addictive drugs of this type may alias addictive. So, if your doctor recommends that you only consume within a certain time limit should not be violated.
Expedite expenditure of the body water
This class of drugs has diuretic properties. Which is characterized by frequent urination. Therefore, the weight can come down quickly. However, the type of diuretic drugs is dangerous because the body can be deprived of water. Water is 'master' of 70% body has many functions, among others, the guards body temperature and also the mediator to balance the body's metabolism.Solution: Drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day, to avoid dehydration and renal impairment.
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