Thursday, July 11, 2013

Healthy Diet with South Africa

In this diet you have to reduce the use of condiments such as sugar and salt

Healthy Diet with South Africa
South African diet is to follow a healthy diet ala villagers in South Africa. This diet is very healthy at the same time put food in a healthy way of processing.

According to the Medical Research Council study, their diet rural residents in South Africa is considered healthier than the population in big cities. Therefore, the villagers eat more foods with a more complete nutrition.

Food consumed wild plants such as vegetables and tubers such as potatoes, pumpkin leaves, morogo (a kind of spinach), and so on. How to cook even healthier as boiled, steamed, or baked.

What should be considered when South Africa's diet?

Expand the fruit and vegetables as a snack

In between meals, make it a habit of eating fruits and vegetables than not nutritious snack. Avoid heavy

snack that actually make your weight soared as fried foods, potato chips, and so on. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants will be better for your body's defenses. Consumption of fruits and vegetables at least five times a day.

Enjoy a variety of foods

South African nation very fond of variety of food in their daily menu. They are also always looking for
innovative new healthy foods. Materials more varied diet will provides more diverse results. Beside being boring when eaten, you could also feel a lot of nutrition.

Drink many water

This diet requires you to drink water rather than other beverages. Reduce soft drinks or coffee is high in calories and not good for heart health.

Variation of carbohydrate sources

So far, we to rely rice white rice as a source of carbohydrate. In fact, many other sources of carbohydrates are better than white rice. For example, brown rice, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads, pasta, and so on.
Replace carbohydrates in your daily menu with ingredients that contain more fiber. Do a variety of brown rice or whole grain cereal.

Reduce seasonings

The food menu rural South Africa does not use a lot of seasoning. They better enjoy the original taste of food in accordance with boiled or steamed. Reduce sugar, salt, and other condiments such as soy sauce and sweet or sauce. Better replace it with olive oil or vegetable oil.

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