Thursday, June 27, 2013

Drink more water

 Drink more water. What if someone told you that adding one thing could increase the effectiveness of any diet that you choose by about 40%. Is that something you might be interested in? And what if that one thing was free and easy to get and readily available at every single restaurant in the country. It is starting to sound better and better, isn't it? Amazingly enough, that one simple thing is: water, pure and simple.

That idea that water can help you lose weight is not an urban legend or an old wives' tale, but is instead supported by scientific research. Studies have confirmed that simply drinking two cups of water before meals leads to 40% more weight loss regardless of which diet you choose to follow.
Two out of three American adults are now considered by medical authorities to be either overweight or obese. The population wide tool frequently used is the scale known as the Body Mass Index (BMI). According to the National Institutes of Health, a healthy BMI is one between 18.5 and 25. Overweight is to have a BMI between 25 and 30. Obesity is defined as having BMI above 30. Check out the government's online BMI calculator to see where your weight fits in.
The value of water to the human body is immense. Water has ZERO calories but is absolutely essential to human survival. Many studies show that many Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. There can be a variety of causes for dehydration but the condition can usually be rectified by drinking enough water. Drinking water before meals not only helps keep your body hydrated but also helps you partially fill your stomach before meals so that you eat less.
Some experts also add that our society and culture affords most of us the opportunity to have food or water whenever we like. One of the drawbacks to this condition is that many people mistake thirst for hunger. This leads them to eat when they should be drinking water, or they choose to drink sugary drinks or other calorie laden beverages to quench their thirst. The problem there is not only the empty calories, but also the fact that those beverages to NOT quench thirst. In most cases, it makes people thirstier!
So, if you are bound and determined to have a soft drink, or a beer, glass of wine, etc., do yourself a favor and drink water first. The same goes for having a snack. You will lighten the calorie load and also provide your body with what it needs to function.
Also beware the many products out there with "water" in their name but which are really nothing more than typical soft drinks full of empty calories. A prominent product is Coca-Cola's "vitaminwater" beverage. Check out the article: "Coca-Cola Company admits in court that vitaminwater is not a healthy beverage."

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