Friday, April 25, 2014

Behind Sugar Diet Dangers

Artificial sweeteners can cause negative effects on the body when consumed in excess

Behind Sugar Diet Dangers
Take a look at the composition of food packs so all around us, especially those frills word 'sugar-free' or 'diet'. What do you see there? Aspartame. Aspartame is a low calorie sweetener substitute regular sugar (sucrose).

Aspartame is known as sugar diet. Not surprisingly, for women who are undergoing weight loss diet sugar sachet bring it everywhere.

For some people, eating sugar diet is one way to keep the body healthy and slim. In fact, the use of this type of sugar is recommended for those who suffer from diabetes.

However, who would have thought, aspartame, one of the artificial sweeteners commonly found in dietary sugar, can cause negative effects if consumed in excess of the long-term. Some of the negative effects, for example, trigger the disruption of human brain tissue, causing headaches, convulsions, death joints, nausea, muscle spasms, to the most tragic consequence: death.

Aspartame is likely to lead to kidney damage. Because, aspartame is a combination of two amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine. As with protein in general, the amino acids must be metabolized in the body.

Protein breakdown is the task of the kidneys. If too much and too often consume aspartame, the kidney will be exhausted and could be damaged, causing kidney disease. In fact, the kidneys serve to filter all substances that are harmful to the body. If the kidneys are damaged, the body's performance will be reduced, so that the body will be more susceptible to disease.

Even so, health experts also agree that aspartame is not harmful if taken in the right dosage. Safe dose is 40 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) body weight. For example, a person weighing 50 kg body drank aspartame should only be a maximum of 2,000 mg (2 grams) once dietary intake.

However, the dose, can be fairly minimal and difficult to comply. Understandably, for most of the dose was less tongue brings sweet taste. In fact, when it becomes a habit and consumed continuously over the long term, negative effects can occur earlier.

Signs of Someone No Need to Diet

Not everyone needs to lose weight

Someone No Need to Diet
Everyone is dreaming to lose weight and have the ideal body. Hundreds of articles, weight loss program, and the reality show also showed that dream.

Meanwhile, 60 percent of Canadians are raising awareness of health issues, because many people are affected by obesity or simply being overweight.

However, not everyone needs to lose weight. If it is in accordance with the criteria below, means you do not need to worry about weight.

1. Unrealistic goals.
Never dreamed of will have a supermodel body, even if you have a piece of the body such as Naomi Campbell or Oprah Winfrey. Your body is heavily influenced by genetic factors.

Thus, two different genes will not achieve similar results despite consuming the same calories. "It depends on the genetics of each person," said Sharma.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of genes that control the metabolism of the human body, taste, satisfaction, and the ability to store fat. "No one can guarantee the size of your body will shrink, even if you are very focused on a strict diet," he said.

2. No reason to diet.
Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Obesity Research and Management, Universias Alberta, said Dr. Arya Sharma, the first question to ask patients to lose weight is 'why'?

Questions that deserve to be asked if you are in a state of permanent diet. Doctors can help you lose weight if you are troubled with diabetes or high blood pressure.

"If the reason was to buy clothes with smaller sizes, you do not need to go on a diet," he said.

Nutrition doctors ask you if you feel out of control when dieting. This often occurs in women. Cultivate in yourself, it is better to maintain a healthy weight than dieting without reason.

3. Adopting a healthy lifestyle.
You may forget that not only makes the body fit can be done by reducing the size of the body. A healthy body can be obtained by eating a nutritious diet and regular exercise.

When do you think the perfect diet, but did not achieve the desired result, you easily feel frustrated. However, cannot reflect the weight of your health.

"You have no reason to diet if there is no family history of the problem of obesity. Same thing also happens if the size of your body stable in recent years," said Begg.

That should be realized when the scales are not convinced that your body fat.

4. To increase self-confidence.
Based on the Canadian Women's Health Network, almost 90 per cent of Canadian women are not happy with how it looks in the mirror. In fact, they see only mocking thoughts in his head that his body fat.

For that, one needs to separate between weight loss to make the body fit or to give satisfaction to those bad thoughts.

"The issue of weight is very much different with the look of the body," Sharma said, "The important thing is to be in good shape."

If you really want to be thin to be more beautiful, maybe it's time to discuss you're eating habits with a nutritionist.

"The wrong diet usually begins when people think to lose a little weight. Yet, without realizing they are out of control," said dietitian in Vancouver, Jessica Begg.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

According Diet Personality

Choose a diet according to your personality

Diet Personality
Personality affects a lot of things, like the clothes we wear, the friends and the man who dreamed up. Not only that, personalities also affect the success or failure of the diet. If the diet is not tailored to the personality, it is not likely to succeed.

From now try to select the type of diet that suits your personality. Do not let the diet that has been done for months is not successful just because it does not suit your personality. Here are four personality types and the type of diet that should be done.

1. Diet Player
If you are the type of person who easily adaptable, flexible and not too concerned about when there is a problem then you are dieting player. Do not try to do a strict diet, because it will not work. Rigid diet will not last long on you, because it feels like a burden. No need to abstain from eating certain foods. But when determining food or snack, choose a lot of fiber and low in calories. Familiarize yourself to eat always healthy foods.

2. Diet Planner
If you include people always plan everything carefully and in detail so you are is a diet planner. Try to make healthy, low-fat menu for one week, if you need to write on the agenda. It will be easier for you to be consistent on a healthy diet and the diet becomes more effective.

3. Diet Thinker
Thinker diet suitable for someone who likes to challenge ideas and new things. Information content in foods such as calories, fat, carbohydrates could be something of interest to you.

Tried all kinds of diets are also often do. But try to be consistent in the type of diet and analyzes the extent to which weight loss, and know also sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood. Knowing the medical facts of the body can makes you more consistent diet.

4. Diet Feeler
If you are sensitive and always need other people to motivate themselves separately then you are a feeler diet. You always involves feelings in many ways, including in choosing foods. So when the mood is sad or happy you can overeat. To fix this try to overcome feelings of emotions that you experience in other ways, such as, writing blogs, playing computer games, sports or vent with friends. This is to avoid excessive appetite whiles being emotional.

Breast Health Diet

Breast Health Diet
A woman's breasts have not only maintained its beauty but also health. The nutritionist said that nutrition is important for breast health. There are some foods and drinks that are very good for the breasts. To that end, multiply the consumption of these foods for the health of your breasts.

1. Wheat
Oatmeal mixed with beans, peas and legumes such as beans, which are very high in fiber. Serves to stabilize the mixture of both hormones in women. Consumption of at least one time for your breast health.

2. Selenium
Consumption of foods also contain selenium. Ie high protein foods such as beans, meat and milk. Selenium is very good for the breast because it increases skin elasticity.

3. Vegetables and fruit
All women should often eat vegetables and fruits that are yellow, such as oranges, bananas, and carrots. The content of vitamin A, E, C and a high antioxidant, can reduce the risk of degenerative diseases and breast cancer. Consumption of broccoli and cabbage also to protect breast tumors and cancer.

4. Tea and wine
Slightly sweet wine is also good for the breast, but be sure not to overdo their consumption. In addition, you can also drink green tea and white tea. Nutritionists recommend drinking green or white tea three to five cups per day, due to extremely high antioxidant content. Not just good for the breast but also other diseases.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Healthy Diet with the Grain Processing

There are three healthful processed wheat is worth a try, and insert it into your diet

Diet with the Grain Processing
Not only oatmeal or whole wheat bread, healthy wheat-based processed, there are three other processed grain that you should try, and insert it into your diet.

According to researchers at the University of Manitoba, Canada, processed wheat following is believed to help maintain stable blood sugar levels, and prevent the occurrence of gallstones, as quoted from page

Grain of wheat is a source of amino acids incredible, and rich in protein. "Unlike other plants, one processed wheat also contains nine essential amino acids we need to build protein and muscle," said Bailey.

Quinoa is also packed with lysine, an amino acid needed for growth and tissue repair, as well as magnesium, a mineral that helps muscle relaxation.

Processed wheat is very well taken vegetarians and vegans who are concerned about their protein intake. If you include people who are vulnerable to the cold and allergy susceptible to colds, consuming these foods can also be the antidote.

Equipped with B vitamins, minerals and a variety of flavonoids, based processed grain is a good source of nutrients for your health. Studies at the University of Manitoba found that buckwheat can keep blood sugar levels. Thus, suitable to be consumed with diabetes.

Buckwheat is also rich in the chemicals that strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins. Thus, it is suitable to be consumed processed for heart disease and hypertension. A study at the Humboldt University, Berlin, was also found, soba noodles are also able to improve blood sugar control in diabetics. In a Canadian study, buckwheat knew to lower blood glucose by 19 percent.

Buckwheat makes noodles, pasta, porridge and pancakes as an alternative to gluten-free food. "Buckwheat is also rich in molecules known as polysaccharides that bind water in the intestine to provide a sense of fullness for longer. Beneficial So for those trying to lose weight," said Bailey.

Soba is perfect if consumed by women who often experience PMS (painful menstruation), or approaching menopause because it is packed with phytoestrogens, plant molecules that can improve hormonal balance in women.

Pasta is made from grain rather sweet flavor. Biological nutrients in millet can help prevent gallstones occur. This pasta contains almost 15 percent protein, B vitamins, various minerals, and fiber.

"A cup of pasta cooked millet which will provides 26 percent magnesium and 24 percent of phosphorus that you need every day," says nutrition consultant, Christine Bailey.

Millet is ideal for anyone who wants to get the benefits. Including those who were experiencing stress. Millet is sold in most supermarkets and can be added as cereals for food and drinks.

Food Diet After Childbirth

Streamline the postpartum body can easily be done at home

Diet After Childbirth
Into their pregnancy, women should ideally gained weight between 10-18 pounds. However, they are often difficult to restore the body size postpartum.

They argued there was no time for the gym to recover the body size. Though streamline postpartum body can be easily done at home. The following tips.

Step one
Consumption of nutritious foods and low in calories. Avoid processed meats, grilled meats, fried foods, white bread, chips and candy.

Increase consumption of foods rich in protein, carbohydrates and fats such as chicken breast, eggs, lean meats, whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils.

Step two
Consumption of water. Leave soft drinks, bottled fruit juices, alcoholic drinks and sweet tea because it offers a high calorie and nutrient poor. This kind of beverage packaging is also not good for the growth and development of the baby to feed. Ideal dose, drink 8-10 glasses of water or fresh fruit juice a day.

Step three
Consumption of nutritious snacks every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism. Carrots and cheese is an example of a healthy snack. Make sure each portion of fiber-rich foods have the complex carbohydrates and protein. It makes you feel full and prevent overeating.

Doing these three steps are not enough. Healthy diet needs to be balanced with physical exercises that support the body's fat burning process after giving birth.


What number of you imagine eating fruits is wonderful for you? This can be a silly question to ask, right? Of course, don’t everybody knows eating fruit is wonderful for us? We’re told from your time we’re in grade school that individuals should receive a healthy amount of fruits, vegetables and other important daily food groups within our diets. However, a number of people believe particular foods are healthier than others, and so they believe by limiting their diets to simply these food types, they are going to be healthier than everybody else.

Grab the fruit diet one example is. The fruit diet requires you to consume outright fruit. This may appear enjoy it could actually work. Let me provide you with some reasons why here is the case.

Certain types of fruits have skin that may be recognized by contain certain compounds. These compounds assistance to fight cancer, reduce the maturing and boost our immune system.
Fruits are high in some of the vitamins we want to avoid getting sick, for example ascorbic acid. So that it is smart that by eating a lot of fruits we may be able to avoid getting sick.
Fruits undoubtedly are a whole food and also have high water content. This can be likely to help flush our bodies of poisons making sure that our systems function better.
Many of these are very valid points, but when you decide to limit yourself to just eating fruit, you’re doing more harm to yourself than good. You could think you’re gonna lose weight, and you really won’t.

Why the fruit diet is unhealthy for you

The fruit diet isn’t useful to you, considering that the body requires a lot more nutrients so as to work properly than what you have access to from fruit alone. The fruit diet is just a fad, with this being the way it is how likely do you consider it is you is able to adhere to it? You could possibly last for a time, but ultimately you'd return to your old habits and gain whatever weight you lost back. In many instances you'd gain even more weight.

Fruit is usually rich in many sugar and carbohydrates. Should you consume lots of fruits, you’re about to send your blood glucose around consistently. This isn’t good. If the goal is usually to shed weight, you need to make sure you’re properly effective in keeping your blood glucose controlled.

Your body needs a lot of protein too so as to function properly. Protein helps to maintain muscle mass when you're fat-loss. If you don’t obtain the protein you may need, in that case your body will begin to store fat for energy.

What you should do as opposed to trying the fruit diet

The fruit diet really should be avoided. What you can do instead is start eating more fruits to obtain the health benefits in case you haven’t been accomplishing this already. It’s better to consume fruit rather than eat processed junk foods and also other unhealthy junk.

A great fruit salad would perform the job in many instances. Besides with this you need to be eating an assortment of other foods to make sure you obtain the nutrients you will need. The one time you should try the fruit weight loss program is in the event you’re conducting a flush, which is supposed to allow you to clean get you started and obtain your gastrointestinal system back on the right track. However for shedding pounds, the fruit diet isn’t healthy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Snack Magic Not Make You Fat

Several experts in the UK found the basic ingredients of a snack for those who are dieting.
Many women who are on a diet scrape the fat body could not resist the temptation. They could not shy away from the joy of fat snacks such as biscuits, candy, yogurt, pastries, petite, and junk food.

Starting from that pattern, several scientists from Newcastle University, UK, found a new breakthrough by creating a healthy food ingredient made from seaweed. This material can be processed into a healthy snack for those who are undergoing weight loss programs.

Raw foods contain seaweed fiber could be used for processed biscuits, chocolates, yogurt, sweets, cakes, and breads. "It is a miracle food, because the fiber extracted from seaweed can loses weight," said one researcher, as quoted from page

Even the researchers say, the fiber found in seaweed is more effective than a weight loss supplement that is widely used to stop the absorption of dietary fats in the body.

In their study, the researchers looked at how 60 different types of fibers used and tested to prevent the body from absorbing fat. The content of alginate in seaweed proved to thicken and stabilize foods.

Alginate effectively reinforce the natural protection of the gut wall (mucus) that can slows digestion, and release nutrients in the body. Alginate is also high in fiber and essential minerals that are easy to digest, tasty and safe. During this time, alginate is widely used as material jelly, adhesive starchy foods, and thickeners in products similar beverages of beer, ice cream, yogurt and cream.

American Chemical Society conference also have stated, alginate is able to cut the fat absorption by up to 75 percent. A researcher, Dr. Iain Brownlee, said, "I would agree that people should eat healthier and exercise more while dieting. However they do not do that, can consume snack food products processed from seaweed extract."

5 Food Lowering Your Appetite

Try tucking the five foods in your diet, ideal for slim body

5 Food Lowering Your Appetite
Realize the ideal slim obsession not merely have a strict diet that torment. Without having to do the extreme restriction of food intake, you can realize the obsession with the selection of the right menu.

Choose foods that make last a long satiety and increase metabolism. Try tucking these super foods into your diet, in order to realize a slim body ideal, as quoted from pages Shine:

1. Green tea
Content of antioxidants called catechins in green tea helps speed up metabolism and burn fat. Green tea also affect the hormone leptin, which is responsible for controlling appetite.

In a study in Japan recently, 35 men who drank a bottle of oolong tea mixed with green tea catechins experienced a significant weight loss including body mass index. Those who consume green tea also managed to reduce the evil cholesterol (LDL) in the body.

2. Eggs
Protein content in eggs will help you feel full longer. The study involved 30 women who were overweight or obese showed, suggesting that the protein can prevent blood sugar spikes, which can suppress appetite.

3. Lean ground beef
Leucine amino acids that are abundant in protein foods such as meat, fish, and dairy products, can help the erosion of fat while maintaining muscle elasticity. It is also effective to reduce appetite.

4. Beans
Nut consumption may increase production of the hormone cholecystokinin, which is able to suppress appetite naturally.

Based on the research of University of California at Davis against the eight respondents, nut consumption triggers an increase in hormones that make the stomach full longer. Nut consumption can also stabilize blood sugar levels and a diet high in fiber which helps lower bad cholesterol.

5. Pears and apples
Pears claimed to contain more fiber than apples. Based on the calculation of the amount of fiber that made the U.S.A.. Food and Drug Administration, the fiber content of pear four grams more than a medium sized apple contains only three grams of fiber.

Pears and apples contain pectin fiber, which helps lower blood sugar levels and appetite. A Brazilian study that lasted 12 weeks, obese women who ate three small pears or apples a day to lose weight more than those who diet without fruit.

The research team of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, conducted experiments on 24 middle-aged women who are overweight. They asked respondents consume 9-10 ounces of lean beef per day. As a result, they were able to scrape fat and reduce muscle mass more than the control group who consumed the same amount of calories, but less protein.

Healthy Foods For Diet

Healthy Foods For Diet
This healthy food can be ordered and delivered to your home
Many people want a slim body but are reluctant to prepare fat-free menu. In fact most of them also feel confused, menu what they should consume each day.

For those of you who have a commitment to expel the fat in the body, is now no need to fuss and bother thinking about what the menu should you consume each day. Nowadays you can do the trick ordering special meals for your healthy diet.

Activities so that your diet much easier, one diet food service providers to choose from such as SlimGourmet, European Slimming Centre (ESC). With a slim power program has to offer, can help the owners of fertile body to lose weight in a way safe, healthy and no side effects.

"If you follow this program, weight loss can get up to 10 pounds in just one month," said Doctor SlimGourmet Nutrition, Dr. Diana F Suganda, Friday, February 26.

According to him, the program uses a selection of foods that contain fat zero (0% carbohydrate, 0% sugar and 0% fat). "The process of metabolism in the body fat zero this will produce energy by utilizing the stored fat in the body, so it will automatically help the fat burning process in the body perfectly," he explained.

Moreover, he added powerslim program is supported by using Fat Burning Olive Oil, which is a special oil that has been proven to increase the body's metabolism. The combination of eating zero fat with Fat Burning Olive Oil will result in drastic weight loss. Another advantage of low-fat food products supplied SlimGormet is not use MSG, using imported materials, are handled by experienced culinary team at a five-star hotel, as well as the quality of their food has always been fresh and hygienic.

"To get maximum results, this program should be run in accordance with the procedure prescribed by SlimGourmet Diet Consultant. And we use the system of service delivery for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, "he said.

As a voyeur menu that you can copy from SlimGourmet Centre, usually the patient, it is recommended to consume low-fat cereal or oatmeal as a breakfast dish. While for lunch and dinner, they served customers such as low-fat menu of salads, fish, lean meat and chicken plus vegetables.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Study: Diet Soda Increase Risk of Stroke

Predicted diet soda healthier than soft drinks in general. However, a study found women who drank diet soft drinks twice a day or more than 30 percent more likely to experience a heart attack or stroke later in life.

Study of 60 thousand women found no strong association between the consumption of large amounts of diet soda and heart disease in women when aged 50 and 60 years.

In addition to the risk of heart disease and stroke, women who drank diet soda twice a day 50 percent higher risk of death related to heart problems other.

So said Professor Peter Weissberg, medical director at the British Heart Foundation, as quoted from Female First. "Observational studies in post-menopausal women in the United States found no association between drinking two drinks per day diet and an increased risk of heart disease, but the findings are not conclusive and does not mean that diet drinks cause heart disease," says Weissberg.

From these findings, the researchers recommend that women reduce the intake of excessive sugar and diet drinks.

Diet drinks tend to be popular in those who are overweight and people with diabetes. Both of these conditions are at greater risk for heart disease.

Lead researcher Dr Ankur Vyas said, "We just found a link, so we can not say that diet drinks cause heart problems. Required research groups to ensure drinking diet soda actually causes heart disease."

Is Healthy Diet Lemon?

Diet lemon helps to eliminate toxins in the body and restore the work function of organs

Is Healthy Diet Lemon
Detox diet certainly familiar to your ears. This diet program aimed at detoxifying or cleansing the body of toxins buildup.

One of the popular detox diets do is Lemonade Diet or diet lemon. Diet is often called the master cleanse diet is considered to be the most effective cleanse toxins from our body.

You only need to consume lemon juice for 10 days. After doing this detox diet, the body feels fresh and light.

This diet is also done by many famous Hollywood actress. Sexy actress Beyonce Konwles also includes one who likes lemon diet to maintain his fitness.

But many who then mistakenly interpreted this diet as one way to lose weight. Indeed, after doing this lemon diet usually makes the body more fit and weight loss. But the main core of this diet is to remove toxins.

The following Q & A with Joy Bauer, nutritionist and author of books about Joy's LIFE Diet lemon proper diet.

Actually, the lemon diet what does it do?
This diet is actually a detox diet to cleanse the body of toxins. Sometimes incorrectly interpreted as a detox diet to burn fat in the body. When in fact that is cleansed of toxins that otherwise would interfere with the body's metabolism. So the body organs such as the liver, stomach, kidney, and so re-clean and can carry out their duties properly. So this is not a diet to cut weight.

Why is lemon diet is so popular?
Because many people have proven this diet could be an effective detox diet to lose weight at the same time.

This means lemon diet good for weight loss?
No. Actually not as many people think. This diet is not actually lose weight in an instant. But it is precisely this diet claim to eat a lot of high-protein nutrition. But it's with this diet, so more people keeping food intake and stop eating unhealthy foods. So actually weight loss occurs because of an improvement when dieting diet.

How do I run this diet properly?
To get started, first you have to reduce your intake of unhealthy foods. Avoid processed foods such as processed meats, canned foods, and so on. Because these foods contain a lot of additives.

Also reduce the consumption of sugar, salt, and alcohol in food. Consumption of healthy foods, especially fruits and vegetables and drink water.

Dietary intake of 6-12 glasses of lemon suggest lemon juice a day. Twelve glasses of lemon juice contains 1300 calories. But during the lemon diet, you still need to eat protein, minerals, and other nutrients.

You who have ulcer disease should not be on this diet. Consult with your doctor before doing so.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Study: Diet Can Disrupts Notwithstanding Heart

Diet without the rule will trigger serious health problems later in life

Diet Can Disrupts Notwithstanding Heart
Many women obsessed with having a slim body. They are on a strict diet to maintain the buildup of fat in the body. Only, they often do so without rules, which in turn would trigger serious health problems.

Utrecht University study, which is quoted by The Telegraph, said that the young women who excessively diet without even noticing nutritional balance is at increased risk of heart disease up to three times as much in the future.

A study of 8,000 young women showed that those who are malnourished in youth at risk of heart disease compared to those with higher nutritional needs are met.

Ideally, women consume 2,000 calories per day to maintain their health in the future. But in fact, many are not able to fulfill because they prefer the 'hunger' rather than be fat. "The core of our study is the large role of one's childhood on his health in the future," said Annet van Abeelen.

To counter fear of fat, some women do not even hesitate on a strict diet whiles pregnant. Call it Victoria Beckham who only consume only 600 calories a day. Former personnel 'Spice Girl' it seems difficult to eliminate habits chew some strawberries and drinking mineral water whiles pregnant third child.

To combat an unhealthy diet which often trigger anorexia, a community formed to scrutinize the images in the medium that can damage a young child's diet. They oppose all forms of visual trigger eating disorders.

"These days young people are surrounded by images and impressions of public figures in the medium that can be bad for one's diet," said a spokesman for Beat, the charity for people with eating disorders. "Eating disorders early can result in long-term health and lead to organ damage."
Hunger plague
A research study on the effects of malnutrition when starvation 7,845 women in the Netherlands in 1944 to 1945. The study began when the respondents were aged under 21 years and just got the intake of 400-800 calories per day.

In the European Heart Journal, the researchers say the famine event is a natural experiment in history which allows them to examine the long-term effects of malnutrition experienced by victims.

Participants were divided into three groups: those affected by famine remarkable of these, they are barely felt, and those who are in between the two conditions.
Research shows that those affected by famine in childhood and adolescence have an increased risk of coronary heart disease 27 percent greater. This percentage rose to 38 percent among adolescents aged 10-17 years.

Professor Kausik Ray and colleagues at St George's University, London, conducted a study that supports the research by examining separately about the outbreak in China and Russia. The result is a consistent data on nutrient levels in childhood result in clear on chronic diseases later in life.