Friday, August 02, 2013

Slim Fit with Sleep

 Diet will be successful when coupled with adequate rest, sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day

Slim Fit with Sleep
Many women apply a strict diet and exercise to get the ideal body weight. Actually that's not all you can do. You know, just by getting enough sleep, it can accelerate the decay of fat.

Excerpted from the pages of The Telegraph, a study conducted by scientists Richard Alleyne prove someone can double weight loss when you get 6-8 hours of sleep each night.

The study illustrates, rising levels of stress and lack of sleep can trigger a person to crave unhealthy foods, and of course it is this that led to the weight gain.

Research conducted Kaiser Permanente, in Portland, United States, also found that a successful diet are more likely to be achieved when coupled with adequate rest, sleep between six and eight hours each night.

The study involved nearly 500 adults, average age 55 years and all of them suffer from obesity. "This study shows when people try to lose weight. They should try to get the right sleep and reduce their stress," said lead author of the study and Dr. Charles Elder.

"Some people might have to reduce his work and the need to sleep early. And everybody needs to think exercise can reduce stress and help them sleep," added Charles. "For some people, a technique that involves the mind body exercises such as meditation can also help."

The study has been published in the International Journal of Obesity.

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