Saturday, August 03, 2013

Diet Safe for Parents

Different ways for seniors diet with a diet for those who are still young
Diet Safe for Parents

Women, especially those no longer young, it is recommended to be careful if you want to go on a diet. Therefore, their body's ability to absorb calcium has been reduced and may be prone to experience weakness in joints and fractures.
Quoted from pages Shine, so that the elderly safe in the diet, it is recommended that they consume foods should first be gently cooked so easily chewed.

Well, so seniors can stay healthy in old age, following dietary guidelines in more detail that could be a reference.

Vegetable soup without cream and thickening agents are a healthy food and can be consumed evening.

Avoid food preservatives
Instead, avoid eating processed foods with artificial colors and preservatives.

Potassium-rich foods such as cumin seeds (Zeera), sweet limes, fenugreek seeds (methi) and coconut water, good for muscle flexibility, prevent water retention and swelling. They also contribute to maintain blood pressure.

Breakfast porridge oat is an excellent breakfast for seniors who are dieting.

Drinking enough
Drink about 1.5 liters of water a day to prevent dehydration. In old age, you are prone to muscle density and prone to dehydration, especially in the summer.

Eating plenty of fruits and varied very good and recommended for seniors. Two to three times a day for meals, will provide benefits as antioxidants and prevent constipation.

Egg whites are a good source of protein to repair worn out cells including tissue. For vegetarians, planer made from low-fat milk could be a substitute for egg whites.

Mustard oil
The use mustard oil or olive oil is a good cooking medium because they can prevent high cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the blood.

Eating healthy snacks will help digestion and prevent fatigue. Always leave your house with healthy snacks in the bag. It is important to avoid overeating outside.

Cook properly
Do not overcook food cook until soft, it can destroy important nutrients in it. Instead, choose foods that need little time to cook.

Exercise regularly, stretch and do yoga to ensure better absorption of nutrients.

But, before the diet is done, nutritionist and health consultant, Sveta Bhassin, saying, "If you suffer from health problems, consult a professional nutrition consultant for your personal needs."

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