Daily diet still contains a lot of fat and cholesterol
Cholesterol in the body can lead to various diseases. High cholesterol is not only experienced by those who are obese. Cholesterol if it is excessive it can be bad for health. Therefore, prior uncontrolled cholesterol levels already, you should avoid foods that contain cholesterol.
Although not easy to change eating habits, does not mean impossible. Familiarize healthy eating early on is the right answer for that child accustomed to a healthy intake-intake. You have absurdly bad eating habits? Never too late to start living healthy. Here's a good healthy intake to lower cholesterol:
1. Consumption of nuts
Eat more legumes such as soybeans, and lentils.
2. Reduce carbohydrates
Excessive carbohydrate consumption is often associated with increased levels of sugar in the blood. This can lead to the emergence of diseases such as diabetes sugar. Diabetes is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease emergence.
3. Eating fiber
Indonesian society is very low intake of fiber. Try to get used to eating more fiber from fruits, vegetables, cereals, lentils.
4. Consumption of complex carbohydrates
Sugar commonly found in foods with a glycemic index (GI) is not favorable for high metabolism. Therefore, consume a variety of complex carbohydrates such as potatoes or corn.
5. Reduce fried foods
Fry for too long can increase the fat in the food. By reducing it, beneficial substances in food will not be broken so that more beneficial to the body. In addition, use variation to avoid the consumption of oil and animal fats.
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