Sunday, April 20, 2014

Study: Diet Can Disrupts Notwithstanding Heart

Diet without the rule will trigger serious health problems later in life

Diet Can Disrupts Notwithstanding Heart
Many women obsessed with having a slim body. They are on a strict diet to maintain the buildup of fat in the body. Only, they often do so without rules, which in turn would trigger serious health problems.

Utrecht University study, which is quoted by The Telegraph, said that the young women who excessively diet without even noticing nutritional balance is at increased risk of heart disease up to three times as much in the future.

A study of 8,000 young women showed that those who are malnourished in youth at risk of heart disease compared to those with higher nutritional needs are met.

Ideally, women consume 2,000 calories per day to maintain their health in the future. But in fact, many are not able to fulfill because they prefer the 'hunger' rather than be fat. "The core of our study is the large role of one's childhood on his health in the future," said Annet van Abeelen.

To counter fear of fat, some women do not even hesitate on a strict diet whiles pregnant. Call it Victoria Beckham who only consume only 600 calories a day. Former personnel 'Spice Girl' it seems difficult to eliminate habits chew some strawberries and drinking mineral water whiles pregnant third child.

To combat an unhealthy diet which often trigger anorexia, a community formed to scrutinize the images in the medium that can damage a young child's diet. They oppose all forms of visual trigger eating disorders.

"These days young people are surrounded by images and impressions of public figures in the medium that can be bad for one's diet," said a spokesman for Beat, the charity for people with eating disorders. "Eating disorders early can result in long-term health and lead to organ damage."
Hunger plague
A research study on the effects of malnutrition when starvation 7,845 women in the Netherlands in 1944 to 1945. The study began when the respondents were aged under 21 years and just got the intake of 400-800 calories per day.

In the European Heart Journal, the researchers say the famine event is a natural experiment in history which allows them to examine the long-term effects of malnutrition experienced by victims.

Participants were divided into three groups: those affected by famine remarkable of these, they are barely felt, and those who are in between the two conditions.
Research shows that those affected by famine in childhood and adolescence have an increased risk of coronary heart disease 27 percent greater. This percentage rose to 38 percent among adolescents aged 10-17 years.

Professor Kausik Ray and colleagues at St George's University, London, conducted a study that supports the research by examining separately about the outbreak in China and Russia. The result is a consistent data on nutrient levels in childhood result in clear on chronic diseases later in life.

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