Saturday, March 03, 2018

Grapefruit Smoothie Recipes and Nutrition

The grapefruit is a bitter and tart fruit that is a hybrid between the pummelo and the orange. The first documentation of the grapefruit dates back to 1750 AD. Grapefruits originally arrived in the US in 1823, but it wasn’t until 1885 that the grapefruit started to become commercially successful.
The most popular varieties are the pink, white and red grapefruit. In North America, the majority of the crops are grown in California, Florida and Texas.
Grapefruits blend well with other citrus fruits in a green smoothie. They complement other flavor fruits such as pineapple and kiwi. Banana makes the best base fruit as it thickens the smoothie while sweetening the grapefruit.

Grapefruit Nutrition and Health Benefits

Grapefruits are an excellent source of vitamin C with the average grapefruit providing up to 83% RDA. Pink grapefruits are a good source of vitamin A (as beta-carotene) with the average fruit providing 29% RDA. They are not as high in calcium as oranges. Grapefruits are water-rich which helps facilitate cleansing and detox. Diets high in citrus fruits, such as grapefruits, have been shown to lower the risk of esophageal, oral and stomach cancers.
Powerful antioxidants in grapefruits may lower risk for heart disease. A 12-week study at the Scripps Clinic in San Diego lead by Dr. Ken Fujioka showed that eating one half grapefruit before meals helped facilitate weight loss due to a compound in the fruit itself. Findings published in the February 2006 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry suggested that eating one grapefruit per day may significantly lower cholesterol levels for patients who were not responding to cholesterol-lowering medications.

Grapefruit Drug Interactions

Grapefruits contain compounds that interfere with certain medications including statin drugs such as Lipitor and Zocor. If you are on any medications, please consult with your doctor or pharmacist before consuming grapefruit.


How To Use Grapefruits In A Green Smoothie

As with all citrus fruit, I routinely remove the seeds and peel them before blending them in a green smoothie. With grapefruit, you can leave as much of the pith on to get extra fiber and nutrients. Always discard the outer peel.
You can also juice grapefruits in a citrus juicer and use the liquid to help blend (and flavor) a smoothie.


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