Mix 10 Fruits and Vegetable for Diet
Losing weight can be done with a strategy to consume vegetables and fruits are good for diet. The main principle of the diet to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than the calories the body needs to move. Vegetables and fruits are foods that are low in calories so you can use these foods to replace other high-calorie foods.Fruits and vegetables are already known as food is important to maintain a healthy body. Many ways to lose weight or maintain an ideal body weight. Eating fruits and vegetables is a good way of remedy diet. In addition to providing benefits to diet, vegetables and fruit is also good for maintaining a healthy body because of the content of nutrients and fiber it has.
Some Fruits and Vegetables Good For Your Diet
Although both to lose weight, not all fruits and vegetables is good for your diet. As has been described above that the principle of the diet is to reduce your calorie intake so that consumption of excess weight in the body can be converted into energy. Unfortunately there are some fruits that contain high calories. Therefore, this article choose which fruits are great for diet and vegetables are good for diet.
1. Pear fruit
This is one of the good fruits for a diet that works. Pear fruit contains a lot of fiber, whose levels are higher than most other fruits. The role of fiber in pears is to be able to make longer fills the stomach so that helps us feel full longer and not get hungry. Pear fruit also contains a lot of potassium to maintain heart function.
2. Fruit Berry
Included in berries is strawberry, blueberry and blackberry. The fruit in this group have a high content of antioxidants that are good for health. Antioxidants can fight against the formation of cancer cells and maintain general health. In addition, this fruit also contains leptin and adinopectin. Leptin is a hormone that regulates the sensation of fullness in the body, causing a feeling of fullness. Adinopectin hormone alone can help break down cholesterol.
3. Pineapple
Fruit is good for the next diet is pineapple. Pineapples can control the fat in the body. The fruit is free of cholesterol and fat making it suitable for a healthy and balanced diet. Pineapple contains 85% water so it does not provide calories for the body. Others, pineapples also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are useful for the body. Consuming this fruit can make you feel full longer.
4. Apple
It is a well-known fruit as good fruit to the diet. The statement is true because apples contain a lot of fiber and sugar being. Apples also have a low glycemic index which helps the body feel full longer. Apples also contain antioxidants.
5. Papaya
Papaya fruit has many health benefits. Sweet and creamy fruit contains a lot of fiber which helps expedite the digestive process. It also contains sugar which is a little bit so it does not provide a lot of calories in the body, making this a good fruit to the diet. In addition, papaya contains a lot of vitamin C, falvonoids and carotene.
6. Lemon
Fruit is good for diet rarely eaten this time, but more often served in drinks. Lemon mixed with water is one method to lose weight. Lemon has compounds that can neutralize the acidity in the body when taken in empty stomach. This fruit will help the metabolism so much excess weight that will be burned by the body. How to make lemon water is quite easy, just need to insert pieces of fruit into the water and wait a few minutes before drinking it. Try to drink in the morning and when hungry.
7. Spinach
Let us discuss about the vegetables are good for diet. Spinach is one of the best vegetables to the diet. Spinach has many contain vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, C and K. In addition to vitamins, spinach also contains iron needed in the formation of red blood cells. But the reason this vegetable of choice for the diet is due to the low calorie, high fiber and water content of the lot. Eating spinach will help the body feel full longer. In addition to spinach, all green leafy vegetables are also a good vegetable for a diet.
8. Vegetables With High Water Levels
Water is a substance that is essential for the body. Lack of body fluids can cause dehydration. Eating vegetables with high water content is a strategy that can be used to get around the body hydrated. Vegetables such as this also usually have a very low calorie content. Plenty of water with the vegetable fiber aka make satiety become more durable. Examples of fruit in this group is the cucumber, eggplant and squash.
9. Onion and garlic
Besides used for savory flavor and aroma of dishes, it turns red and white onions also have a good benefit to the diet. Do not forget, leaves onions also contain a lot of benefits. onions contain sulfide which helps weight loss process. Garlic can also lower blood pressure and prevent colon cancer.
10. Broccoli
As well as the term antidote cancer vegetables, broccoli is also a good vegetable for a diet. Because broccoli contains 40% protein and 60% complex carbohydrates are good for the body. Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are good for digestion and rarely cause obesity. Not to forget, the fiber contained in broccoli also makes satiety retained longer. In addition, broccoli also contains antioxidants, selenium, magnesium, iron and thiamin which is useful for health.
Consuming fruits and vegetables are good for diet is one powerful method to diet. Enter the fruits and vegetables on the menu in your daily diet to help your weight loss process. When hunger strikes, you can consume fruits above as a booster hunger. If you are a fan of vegetables and fruit, as well as to look for fruit with high calorie information so that you can limit the consumption of fruit to make the program more successful your diet. Not to forget, combine your diet with exercise effort in order to achieve optimal results. Hopefully this article useful and can add insight you.
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