Saturday, December 12, 2015

Type Diet for High Cholesterol Patients

You do not need to bother to go on a diet. This follows because there are three types of diets that you can choose to lower cholesterol.

1. The Mediterranean Diet

By doing this diet, you will eat what the people in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea did for centuries: fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, lean meats, and olive oil.

Scientific Evidence: Scientific research shows this diet is very good for heart health.

Many doctors use this diet for people with high cholesterol. The fact that this diet is not a trend, but a diet with a choice of menu that tastes good, and flexible dosing. This diet is also easy to adopt to the habits of the patient's diet, make it easier to share the outcomes on the patient.

2. TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes)

This diet is one of three parts, namely therapy, diet, exercise, and weight control. This combination can lowers your LDL cholesterol by 20% to 30%.

To live, you have to say goodbye to foods containing trans fats and avoid foods with saturated fat. However, you will not feel deprived eating a delicious meal.

Because you will still eat your favorite foods, only healthy version without additional fat, butter, margarine and other additives that contain trans fats and saturated fats. Examples such as meat has the lean, sauteed kale replace cooking oil with olive oil, and others.

3. The DASH Diet

This diet is easy to diikut, this diet has received certification from the American Heart Association and is proven to lower blood pressure.

This diet works quickly. In one study, people with high cholesterol and blood pressure to get results within two weeks.

You will eat foods such as grains, fruits, and vegetables, which provide fiber and other nutrients. And you will get lean protein from low-fat dairy products, nuts, and fish.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Super Health with 10 Fruits

Super Health with Fruits
Fruit is very good for health. This is because fruits contain fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are important in maintaining health in general and against free radical attack. Here are 10 types of fruit are most efficacious in maintaining a healthy body.


Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants and are very good for health. In fact, studies have found that fruit contains about 600 seeds contains 3 times more antioxidants than the antioxidants found in green tea and red wine.

Acay berry

Acai berry has been named by Oprah as "super food". Dark black berry contains antioxidants, omega fatty acids, protein, and fiber twice as much compared to that found in blueberries. The fruit is very strong. Some studies, such as those cited foxnews site, found that this fruit managed to kill cancer cells in laboratory experiments.


Avocados are not only good because of its content of guacamole. However, the fruit also contains monounsaturated fat which is very good for health and proven to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.


The fruit that comes from North America is rich in antioxidants that have been linked to anti-aging, improve vision and brain function.


Cranberry is not only great to fight urinary tract infections, but this little berry is also rich in antioxidants that may protect cells from free radical attack.

Goji berries

This fruit is found in China, Mongolia and the Himalayas in Tibet. Goji has been used for 6,000 years by experts in herbal medicine to protect the liver, help eyesight, improve sexual function and cope with infertility, strengthens your legs, improve the immune system, and improve circulation. These berries contain carotenoids that act as antioxidants that protect the retina of the eye.


You need a source of vitamin C? Try kiwifruit. This fruit contains vitamin C which is more than the vitamin C in oranges. In addition, it also contains potassium levels similar to those found in pineapple.


Studies have shown, this sweet black fruit has anti-inflammatory effects. The fruit is also rich in antioxidants and chemicals called xanthones. The content of this proven anti-inflammatory potential as seen from laboratory tests.


The fruit is also rich in antioxidants. The fruit is effective in lowering blood pressure and relieve the pain of arthritis.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sports Should Really Be Up Sweating?

Often a benchmark or reference the public when exercising is the amount of sweat produced. Not infrequently after exercise no comments such as "Why do not sweat? Real sport? "Or even" Oh yes definitely a serious sport, to sweat a lot. " So is it true that if we exercise should always sweating?

The public view is not appropriate. Benchmark severity of an activity or a sport is not on the amount of sweat released, but the intensity of the activity. The intensity of this activity can be assessed in several ways, namely by measuring the pulse or heart rate, using the scale perception or test speech / talk test.
Knowing the intensity of exercise is right for you is important, because it can make you avoid exercise too heavy and also take care that you do not exercise too mild so there is no health benefits.

For the general public who do not have health problems or a particular disease, the range of the recommended exercise intensity is 50-85% of your maximum heart rate. This range indicates that the activity or sport you would be in moderate intensity.
So how do you measure already exercising that right or not?

Here's the explanation:

How to Measure Intensity Sports

Sports at moderate intensity has been shown to provide a variety of health benefits and health risks are relatively small for people in general. To calculate the heart rate range, the following steps are required:

Calculate your maximum heart rate by the formula 220-age. Suppose if you are 30 years old, then your maximum heart rate is 220-30 = 190 times per minute.

The number you can step no.1, multiply it by 50% and 85%. Following the example above, if you are 30 years of age, the lower limit your pulse is 190x50% = 95 times per minute. While the upper limit is 190x85% = 162 times per minute. Thus, the target range during exercise your pulse rate is 95-162 beats per minute.

Whereas when using the talk test, make sure you are still able to maintain a conversation or say a sentence without gasping breathing during exercise, but have been unable to sing. This indicates that the intensity of exercise you do is in moderate intensity.

In addition, the perception of Borg scale can also help you determine the intensity of the exercise you are doing. On a scale of Borg, assess the level of hardship or difficulty that you experience when doing sports on a scale of 1-10. On the Borg scale, moderate intensity exercise when you say you judge your efforts to be among the numbers 3-4 on a scale of 1-10.

How do I calculate the pulse? Here's the explanation:

How to Calculate Pulse:
If you are using a pulse count, then there are several ways for you to check your pulse. First, by using a heart rate monitor. Currently, a heart rate monitor or a monitor pulse has been circulating in the market and you can buy in stores medical equipment or fitness equipment. Secondly, by calculating your own pulse. The necessary steps to calculate your own pulse is:

1. Place your fingers on your other wrist, for example, place the fingers of your right hand on your left wrist.
Position of the fingers on the inside of your wrist, just below the base of the thumb.
2. Use your fingertips third and lightly press with three fingers (index finger to ring finger) to probe and find a pulse on the skin surface of your wrist.
3. After finding your pulse, count the beats for 15 seconds (using a watch or clock that uses a needle seconds) and then multiply 4. The number you get is your pulse for 1 minute.

At first it might seem difficult, but do not stop practicing. Over time you will more easily find your pulse and more easily also monitor your exercise intensity. Greetings sport!

Thursday, October 01, 2015

How to Lose Weight 10 Kg with Healthy and Natural

There are so many ways to lose weight 10 kg you can get information from the internet or from health magazines. But not infrequently the various methods actually very telling, failed to run. The cause of the failure of diet or weight loss program is actually very common and trivial. Usually due to poorly prepared mentally, inconsistent, and often violate taboos diet that you are running.

In losing weight, there are some important things you should always pay attention to and remember. Section 10 kg is not a small amount to be lowered in a very short time. Moreover, you are also not recommended diet by eating slimming drugs or chemical drugs like. Therefore in this article we will discuss how to lose weight 10 kg in time quickly and naturally and also matters what causes the body to become fat, you need to avoid to help you lose weight. Causes the body to become fat are discussed on page 2 of this article.

How to Lose Weight Fast 10 Kg with but Healthy
There are several things you can do to lose weight up to 10 kg, the better you do, the more weight down. Losing weight is not easy and it takes effort to get it, but what the results will be obtained? Your appearance will be more attractive and will be more confident, and of course, the body will be healthier if the diet is done correctly. Here are some quick yet healthy way to lose weight up to 10 kg.

Diet Program
The first step to lose weight 10 kg are looking for a diet program that is most suitable for you. Where diets are most likely to do, which is suitable for your body and not to interfere with daily activities. There are so many healthy diet methods that you can use, call it like diet mayo, OCD, conventional diet programs, and so forth.

Exercising Regularly
To burn the calories that has accumulated in your body, you should begin to change your habits become healthier. One way is to exercise more regularly again. Perform this simple activity of at least 4 times a week. Sports that you do not need any heavy activity. Just do jogging, sit ups, push ups, yoga, gentle exercise or other activities.

The Right Mindset
Do not expect beforehand that a diet method can certainly help you lose weight in a short time. How to lose weight 10 kg is not easy, the article you need consistency and the right mindset so that you really can achieve your goal. Just do it with sincerity while running the diet program that you do is to be consistent.

How to lose weight 10 kg which in turn is to provide motivation for you. It is undeniable that everything that is implanted in the mind will be more effective to make a person more consistent spirit and doing the diet. For example the motiviasi you are to recover from a disease that does require you to immediately reduce your weight. Thus typically the process will run more smoothly because there is a clear goal or purpose.

Reduce Carbohydrates and Sugars
Furthermore, you are also advised to reduce consumption of carbohydrates and also different types of foods that contain sugar. Call it the rice than white rice, cake, chocolate, candy, and so on. The types of food like that can ruin your diet program you probably did for a few days or a few weeks. But that does not mean you should not eat rice or do not eat cake. You may eat these foods as long as the limit or the portion that has been suggested in a diet program that you run.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tips Doing Sports Shrink Thighs Naturally

Actually doing sports shrink thigh calf is not difficult and does not take up too much of your time. However, usually the toughest enemy is laziness that seems to be a barrier. Therefore when you do any diet method, the main stock that you need to have is the desire and unyielding spirit. If only one or two days is lazy and give up, you will get the results would not be optimal. In fact you can not get any results from your diet program. Sport is one dieting method that is very powerful for maximum diet. And to be able to make your thighs and your calves more ideal, it is recommended for more regular exercise. Then the movements of any sport that is effective to burn fat in the thighs and calves? Consider the following information.

Some type Sports Shrink Thighs with Easy
To be able to shrink the size of the thigh and calf of course you have to burn the fat in these areas. And one of the most effective ways is through exercise. There are several sports movement that is focused to shrink large thighs and calves. Fat and calories that accumulate on the two parts should you burn little by little in order to get the shape thighs and calves beautiful. Then the sports movement to shrink thighs like what to do? Exercise you should do is a sport that movements can make your thighs and calves contract so that it can make the fat and cholesterol in the section on fire more effectively.

1. Jogging
Sports jogging or jog is if done regularly every day could help speed up the process of burning fat and calories in the thighs and calves. Sport relaxed and can do in your spare time for several minutes. And when you run, thighs and calves you always work simultaneously. That's what makes the amount of fat you burn when you jog quite a lot.

2. Sit ups
Sports shrink the other thigh is sit-ups, light exercise is easy to do and can be done at any time. You only need a few minutes to do sit ups in your spare time especially in the morning or in the afternoon. Every day try to increase the number of sit-ups you do. Movement you perform sit ups currently considered to be one of the sports movement to shrink thighs and calves are quite effective. Because the abdomen, thighs and calves will work repeatedly as long as you sit up.

3. Cycling
For those of you who do regular exercise will usually get a more ideal body shape. Because a bicycle pedaling motion is considered very effective for burning fat and calories in the thighs, calves and buttocks. The movement will occur repeatedly and continuously for a few minutes you are cycling. Therefore, the results you get maximum was enough.

4. Jump rope
Next you can also do sports shrink thigh with a jump rope or skiping. This sport is not difficult and can be done by anyone. However, each person may have different resistance and number of jumps was definitely different. Therefore do not let you push yourself to do skiping continuously. Movement jumps when skiping can accelerate the process of burning fat and calories are piling up on the calf and thigh.

Other activities that can Shrinks Thigh and Calf
In addition to doing some sports movement to shrink thighs and calves as earlier we have to say, you can also do some other things. There are several activities that you can try to maximize the process of downsizing the thighs and calves. The first is by massaging the thighs and calves with a movement that focuses on some particular point. Use ointment or massage oil, then gently press down and up as much as several times. To get the thigh and calf ideal, massage every day.

Tip two of us for you who want to shrink thighs and calves is to reduce the size of the meal. This method is effective in addition to sports shrink thigh. Paslanya excessive eating is one of the reasons a person becomes obese and fat accumulate in the body. But you have to reduce your portions gradually. The aim is your body can adapt to the new food portions you consume each day.

In addition to these two tips, you can also perform gymnastic movements Walking lunges. The position of the body should be upright, feet should be meeting and both hands are on the hips. After that step your right foot forward, bend your knees until your left knee almost touches the ground at an angle of 90 degrees. Hold this position and then stand up again and do the same movement with the opposite leg position. After that do this movement repeatedly alternately right and left foot.

Gymnastic movements second is with a lying position. Lie down on the mat and place your hands next to your body. Straighten the arms, legs and your spine. Straighten your left leg and straighten your right leg upward. When your right foot on top, right foot circular motion clockwise. After that lower the right leg and do the same with your left foot. Take the gymnastic movement repeatedly and alternately.

Food should be consumed for Shrink Thigh and Calf
Besides by doing sports shrink thighs and some gymnastic movements before, there are also some food and drinks you can consume so that the process of burning fat on the thighs and calves can be faster. Try to more frequent eating fruits especially papaya and banana. Paslanya fiber in papaya and banana can help digestion so that it can reduce the fat that has accumulated. In addition you can also eat a variety of fruit in juice form. Avoid eating junk food and consume less white rice. Replace your staple food into red rice and multiply drinking water each day.

It had been a brief discussion of what we can say about how to exercise the thigh or calf shrink naturally. And as we had been informed that in addition to exercise and gymnastics you also have to balance it with a healthy diet. Consume the types of foods and beverages that are natural and healthy so as not to cause the accumulation of fat and calories in your body. So this article and hopefully useful.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lime benefits for a Healthy Diet and Natural

Besides skin health, there are also tables of the benefits of lime to the diet naturally. This fruit has a sour taste, but very fresh when mixed in drinks. But who would have thought behind the unique taste, lemon has a million benefits. As we already know that today there are so many natural diet methods that you can try. But many are also cases where people who do natural diet will still fail to lose weight. Actually, there are many factors that lead to the failure of the diet program. One is due to the selection of foods and beverages that do not fit that can actually undermine the process of the diet. Well, lime This is one type of fruit that you can consume as drinks that can be healthy and natural drinks are very good for a diet program. And in this article we will discuss about various benefits of lemon juice to lose weight and also how to make it.

Various Benefits of Lime for Diet and Health Body
Lime it was fit to be a natural solution for those who want to try to lose weight without the use of chemical drugs. Because there are so many types of food and natural drinks that can help you eliminate the fat in the body. And one of them was with this lime. So what makes one fruit is beneficial for weight loss? There is a lot of content that is in the sour taste of the fruit, such as vitamin C, folic acid and potassium. Well, all three of these substances are very beneficial for you to speed up the process of fat reduction. Moreover, lime juice also contains limonene nutritious for the body to prevent the cells in the liver to produce substances apo B, a substance that is closely connected with cholesterol levels in the body. Well, for more details, you may need to know some of the benefits of lime to the following diet.

1. Digestion launched
If you consume warm water that has been mixed with lime, it has benefits for your digestion, tablets. These drinks will help activate and stimulate the digestive process so that it will make the body stay fit and healthy. Now, with smooth digestion, the process of fat burning and weight maintenance that you do will surely be faster.

2. Improve Immune System
While doing the diet might be a lack of nutrients to help boost your immune system. Well, with the consumption of lime, you will get enough vitamin C intake. Where vitamin C itself beneficial for the body to boost the immune system so that your body will be stronger against the disease. Thus you will stay fit during the diet.

3. Preventing Constipation
Benefits of lemon juice to the diet is helping you to prevent constipation. It is undeniable that constipation is sometimes also a matter of considerable annoying when you are dieting. Well, warm lemon water will help smoothes your bowel movements that help prevents all things associated with constipation.

4. Detox
Instead you have to do a detox with chemical drugs, maybe you need to try to consume various processed lime especially lime juice. This lime he benefits to the diet that may not be owned several other types of fruit. Lime can help the body remove harmful toxins that enter the body so you can feel better.

5. Lose Weight More Effectively
Well, this last benefit is a benefit that is most often sought by people who mengkonumsi lime. A variety of content in the fruit of this one, especially vitamin C and fiber very positive impact on the people who are dieting. By consuming lemon juice, then it will help you give a sense of fullness of time and make your weight loss process more effective.

How? Pretty much not benefit lime to your diet? Well, besides providing a positive effect as we have explained earlier, in fact there are many more positive effects of lime for the body, for example for skin health, beauty, and to create a system in the body stay hydrated. Therefore no wonder that so many beverage products that mixing lime in it.

How to Make a Drink from Lime for Diet
Once you know the various benefits of lemon juice to lose weight before, we will also provide a bit of information to you about how to make a drink of lemon which has many benefits for dieting. How to make it quite easily without having to buy instant drink of lime are sold in the market. Well, try to follow these simple steps to make a drink lime below.

The first step, please take 1-3 limes. Or you can customize it yourself with your body's needs. After the split the orange in half and squeeze the lemon squeezer tool or with the direct blackmail. Pour about 200 ml of water either hot or cold water. After that you can simply take it as a good friend to relax in the evenings or during the day.

But if you want the freshness of lemon juice is more durable and vitamin C contained in it is more durable, it is advisable to use a mixture of cold water. Of course you are taking it very refreshing especially on a hot day. In addition you are also recommended to drink lemon water immediately after finished. Because vitamin C is very easily oxidized and evaporated. So if you want to get maximum results, you better direct spend the fresh drink in order to get the benefits of lime for maximum diet.

How? Not how to make it easy? Well, you can also mix honey or sugar if you want a sweeter taste. Try to consume lemon juice twice a day in the morning and at night before bed so that you get the benefits of lemon juice to lose weight optimally. But you should also offset program with lemon healthy diet with more of water consumed. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day to help accelerate the burning of fat in the body. So, so brief information about the benefits of lemon juice to your diet and how to make it. Good luck and hopefully useful.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Fruit for Diet Natural

Fruit is good choice for Diet Natural

There are some nice pieces for a diet that can help you lose weight naturally. Rich in fiber that helps make efficient digestion and low in calories as the main reason fruit is suitable for consumption during a diet program. Almost all programs ideal healthy diet and encourage the consumption of fruits. Vegetables and fruits are becoming one of the mayo required in the diet. Do not eat fruit while dieting will make weight and body awake or stretch.

Beside the purpose of diet, nutrients and vitamins in the various types of fruit also has many health benefits. So basically eat fruit not only intended or required for people who are dieting alone, but also for all healthy people in order to remain able to maintain their health. A healthy diet is a program that diet and lifestyle to be healthier and better aimed at keeping excess weight could be immediately reduced. There are so many diet programs that were created and published. However, it is also quite a lot of people who diet programs fail. Approximately what causes it?

Eating Fruit is good for Diet For Quick Weight Loss Down
Most errors are usually done by someone who failed at the end of the diet program are those who do not keep up with a healthy diet and are also not balanced with exercise. Sometimes there are people who really do not like fruit and vegetable consumption only. While it may seem trivial, but the role of fruit certainly can not be replaced entirely with vegetables. Exercising regularly during your diet program is also very important. These things are the key to success to lose weight naturally.

Then, any fruit suitable to help you lose weight? Here's more.

1. Bananas
Bananas are one of a kind pieces that are easily found in tropical regions such as in Indonesia. And around your home, you certainly have no trouble finding a banana tree or banana fruit seller. Basically a lot of benefits or property that you can get from these bananas. And one of the benefits is to launch your diet program. Bananas are high in fiber and very low in calories and also, so that to this day is still a fruit bananas are great for diet and much liked by people because it is also delicious. Besides the fruit is synonymous with a yellow or green also contains complex carbohydrates are good for diet.

2. Apples

Fruit is good for the next diet is apples. Type of fruit that sometimes red, green or yellow is one fruit that tastes delicious and scrumptious to be made into a variety of preparations. Call it apple juice, apple chips, and so on. This is the kind of apple fruit that contains many of the nutrients needed by the body and are consumed daily. For those of you who are on a diet, you can replace your snacks with apples. Just like bananas, apples also contain high fiber which is good for digestion. Additionally, you realize when you bite the apple, the apple can keep your dental health.

3. Papaya
Papaya fruit is a fruit diet is a very good companion and a lot of benefits. As we all know, papaya is one type of fruit fiber content is so high that by eating a papaya fruit can also help maintain your digestive health. So what to do with diet? Of course there, so if the digestive tract working properly, then the piles of fat in the body will also be lost from the body and the weight loss process faster. In addition to people who are dieting, for those who are newly pregnant or elderly papaya fruit is very much beneficial for the smooth bowel movement.

4. Melon
Fresh green fruit is also one of the great fruit to the diet. Besides the color of fresh, edible when it's also very fresh and contains a lot of water. And the more remarkable is, it turns behind it tastes delicious and contains a lot of water melon is also quite advisable for those who are doing a diet. The high water content in melons assessed can help digestion that can help you speed up the weight loss process.

5. Fruit Ara
In addition to the four earlier fruit is beneficial for digestive health and the smooth digestion. There is one fruit that is also beneficial to the diet and digestion. Figs, maybe you are also quite familiar with this type of fruit. The fruit that is red inside and the outside is green or purple sometimes it also contains a lot of fiber so it is good for the digestive process and the process of weight loss. Additionally, for those who have blood type O, figs also be one of the fruits are great for diet blood type O.

6. Watermelon
Besides melon, watermelon also contains plenty of water. When eating watermelon You will also feel the effects avoid dehydration because the water content which is very refreshing. Fruit whose flesh is red and usually has many seeds it contains a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C are beneficial to health. Watermelon fruit will make you gain extra energy and also makes you feel full longer.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Option 10 Fruits and Vegetables Good For Diet

Mix 10 Fruits and Vegetable for Diet

10 Fruits and Vegetables For Diet
Losing weight can be done with a strategy to consume vegetables and fruits are good for diet. The main principle of the diet to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than the calories the body needs to move. Vegetables and fruits are foods that are low in calories so you can use these foods to replace other high-calorie foods.

Fruits and vegetables are already known as food is important to maintain a healthy body. Many ways to lose weight or maintain an ideal body weight. Eating fruits and vegetables is a good way of remedy diet. In addition to providing benefits to diet, vegetables and fruit is also good for maintaining a healthy body because of the content of nutrients and fiber it has.

Some Fruits and Vegetables Good For Your Diet
Although both to lose weight, not all fruits and vegetables is good for your diet. As has been described above that the principle of the diet is to reduce your calorie intake so that consumption of excess weight in the body can be converted into energy. Unfortunately there are some fruits that contain high calories. Therefore, this article choose which fruits are great for diet and vegetables are good for diet.

1. Pear fruit
This is one of the good fruits for a diet that works. Pear fruit contains a lot of fiber, whose levels are higher than most other fruits. The role of fiber in pears is to be able to make longer fills the stomach so that helps us feel full longer and not get hungry. Pear fruit also contains a lot of potassium to maintain heart function.

2. Fruit Berry
Included in berries is strawberry, blueberry and blackberry. The fruit in this group have a high content of antioxidants that are good for health. Antioxidants can fight against the formation of cancer cells and maintain general health. In addition, this fruit also contains leptin and adinopectin. Leptin is a hormone that regulates the sensation of fullness in the body, causing a feeling of fullness. Adinopectin hormone alone can help break down cholesterol.

3. Pineapple
Fruit is good for the next diet is pineapple. Pineapples can control the fat in the body. The fruit is free of cholesterol and fat making it suitable for a healthy and balanced diet. Pineapple contains 85% water so it does not provide calories for the body. Others, pineapples also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are useful for the body. Consuming this fruit can make you feel full longer.

4. Apple
It is a well-known fruit as good fruit to the diet. The statement is true because apples contain a lot of fiber and sugar being. Apples also have a low glycemic index which helps the body feel full longer. Apples also contain antioxidants.

5. Papaya
Papaya fruit has many health benefits. Sweet and creamy fruit contains a lot of fiber which helps expedite the digestive process. It also contains sugar which is a little bit so it does not provide a lot of calories in the body, making this a good fruit to the diet. In addition, papaya contains a lot of vitamin C, falvonoids and carotene.

6. Lemon
Fruit is good for diet rarely eaten this time, but more often served in drinks. Lemon mixed with water is one method to lose weight. Lemon has compounds that can neutralize the acidity in the body when taken in empty stomach. This fruit will help the metabolism so much excess weight that will be burned by the body. How to make lemon water is quite easy, just need to insert pieces of fruit into the water and wait a few minutes before drinking it. Try to drink in the morning and when hungry.

7. Spinach
Let us discuss about the vegetables are good for diet. Spinach is one of the best vegetables to the diet. Spinach has many contain vitamins such as Vitamin A, E, C and K. In addition to vitamins, spinach also contains iron needed in the formation of red blood cells. But the reason this vegetable of choice for the diet is due to the low calorie, high fiber and water content of the lot. Eating spinach will help the body feel full longer. In addition to spinach, all green leafy vegetables are also a good vegetable for a diet.

8. Vegetables With High Water Levels
Water is a substance that is essential for the body. Lack of body fluids can cause dehydration. Eating vegetables with high water content is a strategy that can be used to get around the body hydrated. Vegetables such as this also usually have a very low calorie content. Plenty of water with the vegetable fiber aka make satiety become more durable. Examples of fruit in this group is the cucumber, eggplant and squash.

9. Onion and garlic
Besides used for savory flavor and aroma of dishes, it turns red and white onions also have a good benefit to the diet. Do not forget, leaves onions also contain a lot of benefits. onions contain sulfide which helps weight loss process. Garlic can also lower blood pressure and prevent colon cancer.

10. Broccoli
As well as the term antidote cancer vegetables, broccoli is also a good vegetable for a diet. Because broccoli contains 40% protein and 60% complex carbohydrates are good for the body. Complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates that are good for digestion and rarely cause obesity. Not to forget, the fiber contained in broccoli also makes satiety retained longer. In addition, broccoli also contains antioxidants, selenium, magnesium, iron and thiamin which is useful for health.

Consuming fruits and vegetables are good for diet is one powerful method to diet. Enter the fruits and vegetables on the menu in your daily diet to help your weight loss process. When hunger strikes, you can consume fruits above as a booster hunger. If you are a fan of vegetables and fruit, as well as to look for fruit with high calorie information so that you can limit the consumption of fruit to make the program more successful your diet. Not to forget, combine your diet with exercise effort in order to achieve optimal results. Hopefully this article useful and can add insight you.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Eight Mistakes that Can Makes When Diets Fail

Already desperately dieting, but weight does not go down? Maybe there is something wrong with your diet during this time. Remember again, if you ever do one or two things from the eight errors below? If yes, immediately change and start living a healthy diet program. Here's a full explanation of the following:

1. Strict Diet

You may often strict diet by not eating anything all day or only eat one apple only to perform perfectly during the holidays. Your weight will come down. Especially if your diet to less than 1000 calories per day. However, your metabolism will also be slowed. When you stop dieting, your weight will rise again.

2. Skipping breakfast

Skipping breakfast may be the most seemingly simple way to cut calories. But it can easily make you a hungry and tend to snack or lunch in large quantities. Choose a breakfast high in fiber and protein to reduce your hunger. You can try to eat whole wheat bread and eggs for example.

3. Refusing to Eat Snacks

When you are trying to loose weight, a snack is probably the last thing on your list. But you know, people who eat in small portions and often find it easier to lose weight and easier to control hunger. But also make sure you eat healthy snacks and nutritious like a fruit or low-fat yogurt.

5. Adding Calories Through Beverage

When calculating the number of calories in, you definitely tend to only calculate what you eat alone and do not pay attention to calories from beverages. Try counting calories is also a glass of milky coffee from your favorite beverage outlets that you never miss each morning. Or do not forget to count the calories of soda or your favorite fruit juice.

6. Drinking Water Too Little

This is one of the simplest diet mistakes. Water is essential for burning calories. If you are dehydrated, the metabolism in your body will be interrupted and you will have the difficulty in losing weight.

7. Avoid milk and other dairy products

Milk, cheese or ice cream seems to be a taboo for those who are dieting. However, some studies show that your body will burn more calories if you are getting enough calcium. You can choose the products that are low in fat as a replacement.

8. Goal Setting Unrealistic

Has the target to drop 10 kg in a month's time will only make you become stressed if you cannot reach it. Try to set a more realistic target and do not be too memforsir yourself. If your weight can goes down, do not forget to give a gift to yourself as a token of appreciation for your hard work over the years.

Friday, June 12, 2015

9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds

9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds

By Joe Leech

Almonds are an incredibly popular tree nut.
Despite being high in fat, they are highly nutritious and extremely healthy.
Here are 9 evidence-based health benefits of almonds.

1. Almonds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients

The almond is the edible seed that grows on the tree Prunus dulcis, more commonly called the almond tree.
Almonds are native to the Middle East, but the United States is now the world’s largest producer.
The almonds we buy at the store have usually had the shell removed, revealing the edible nut inside.
They are sold either raw (often referred to as “natural”) or roasted.
This is what almonds look like:
Almonds in a Bowl on Wooden Table
Almonds boast an incredibly impressive nutrient profile.
A 1 ounce (28 grams, or small handful) serving of almonds contains (1):
  • Fiber: 3.5 grams.
  • Protein: 6 grams.
  • Fat: 14 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated).
  • Vitamin E: 37% of the RDA.
  • Manganese: 32% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium: 20% of the RDA.
  • They also contain a decent amount of copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and phosphorus.
This is all from a small handful, which supplies only 161 calories and 2.5 grams of digestible carbohydrates.
It is also important to note that 10-15% of an almond’s calories are not absorbed by the body, because the fat is too difficult to access and break down (23).
Almonds are also high in phytic acid, a substance that binds certain minerals and prevents them from being absorbed. This means that the amount of iron, zinc and calcium you get from the almonds will be reduced somewhat.
Bottom Line: The almond is a very popular tree nut. Almonds are high in healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, protein and various important nutrients.

2. Almonds Are Loaded With Antioxidants

Almonds With and Without Skin
Almonds are a fantastic source of antioxidants.
Antioxidants help to protect against oxidative stress, which can damage molecules in cells and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer (45).
The powerful antioxidants in almonds are largely concentrated in the brown layer of the skin (678).
For this reason, blanched almonds (skin removed) are not the best choice from a health perspective.
A clinical trial of 60 male smokers found that 84 grams (about 3 ounces) of almonds per day reduced oxidative stress biomarkers by 23-34%, over a 4 week period (9).
These findings support those of another study, which found that eating almonds with main meals reduced some markers of oxidative damage (10).
Bottom Line: Almonds are high in antioxidants that can protect your cells from oxidative damage, a major contributor to ageing and disease.

3. Almonds Are High in Vitamin E, Which Protects Your Cell Membranes From Damage

Three Stacked Almonds
Vitamin E is the name for a group of fat soluble antioxidants.
These antioxidants tend to build up in cell membranes in the body, protecting the cells from oxidative damage.
Almonds are among the world’s best sources of vitamin E, with just one ounce providing 37% of the recommended daily intake (1).
Several studies have linked higher vitamin E intake with lower rates of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease (111213141516).
Bottom Line: Almonds are among the world’s best sources of vitamin E. Getting plenty of vitamin E from foods is linked to numerous health benefits.

4. Almonds Can Assist With Blood Sugar Control

Nuts are low in carbs, but high in healthy fats, protein andfiber.
This makes them a perfect choice for diabetics.
However, another thing that sets almonds apart, is their remarkably high amount of magnesium.
Magnesium is a mineral involved in more than 300 bodily processes, including blood sugar control (17).
The current recommended intake for magnesium is 310-420 mg. Two ounces of almonds provide almost half of that, with 150 mg of this important mineral (1).
It turns out that 25-38% of type 2 diabetics are deficient in magnesium, and correcting the deficiency significantly lowers blood sugar levels and improves the function of insulin (181920).
Interestingly, people without diabetes also see major reductions in insulin resistance when supplementing with magnesium (2122).
This indicates that high magnesium foods (like almonds) may be beneficial for prevention of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, both of which are massivehealth problems today.
Bottom Line: Almonds are extremely high in magnesium, a mineral that most people don’t get enough of. High magnesium intake may have major benefits for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

5. Magnesium Also Has Benefits For Blood Pressure Levels

The magnesium in almonds may also help to lower blood pressure levels.
Housewife Holding Jar of Almonds
High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the leading drivers of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.
A deficiency in magnesium is strongly linked to blood pressure problems, regardless of whether you are overweight or not (232425).
Studies have shown that correcting a magnesium deficiency can lead to major reductions in blood pressure (2627).
Given that the majority of US adults do not meet the dietary recommendations for magnesium, the addition of almonds to the diet could have a huge impact.
Bottom Line: Low magnesium levels are strongly linked to high blood pressure, indicating that almonds can be beneficial for blood pressure control.

6. Almonds Can Lower Cholesterol Levels

Cracked Almonds
Having high levels of LDL lipoproteins (the “bad” cholesterol) in the blood is a well-known risk factor for heart disease.
What you eat can have major effects on LDL levels, and some studies have shown almonds to be effective.
A 16-week study in 65 pre-diabetic subjects found that a diet with 20% of calories from almonds lowered LDL cholesterol levels by an average of 12.4 mg/dL (28).
Another study found that 1.5 ounces (42 grams) of almonds per day lowered LDL cholesterol by 5.3 mg/dL, while maintaining the “good” HDL cholesterol. The almond group also lost belly fat (29).
Bottom Line: Eating 1-2 handfuls of almonds per day can lead to mild reductions in LDL cholesterol levels.

7. Almonds Prevent Harmful Oxidation of LDL Cholesterol

A Single Almond
Almonds do more than just lower LDL levels in the blood.
They also protect the LDL from oxidation, which is a crucial step in the heart disease process.
The skin of almonds is rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which have been shown to prevent oxidation of cholesterol in test tubes and animal studies (3031).
The effect may be even stronger when combined with other antioxidants, like vitamin E.
In one human study, snacking on almonds for one month lowered oxidized LDL cholesterol levels by 14% (32).
This should lead to a reduced risk of heart disease over time.
Bottom Line: LDL cholesterol can become oxidized, which is a crucial step in the heart disease process. Snacking on almonds has been shown to significantly reduce oxidized LDL.

8. Eating Almonds Reduces Hunger, Lowering Your Overall Calorie Intake

Almonds are low in carbs, and high in both protein and fiber.
Holding a Glass Bowl Full of Almonds
Both protein and fiber are known to increase satiety. They help people feel more full, so they end up eating fewer calories (3334).
In a 4-week study with 137 participants, a daily 1.5 ounce (43 grams) serving of almonds significantly reduced hunger and desire to eat (35).
Numerous other studies support the hunger-fighting effects of nuts (3637).
Bottom Line: Nuts like almonds are low in carbs, but high in protein and fiber. Studies show that eating almonds (and other nuts) can increase satiety and help you eat fewer calories.

9. Almonds Are Incredibly Effective For Weight Loss

Asian Woman With Bowl Full of Almonds
Nuts contain several nutrients that are hard for the body to break down and digest.
About 10-15% of the calories in nuts aren’t absorbed, and there is some evidence that eating nuts can boost metabolism slightly (38).
Combined with the hunger-fighting properties, it makes sense that nuts are a great addition to an effective weight loss diet.
Interestingly, there are some quality human studies that support this.
In one of them, a low-calorie diet with 3 ounces (84 grams) of almonds increased weight loss by 62% compared to a diet enriched with complex carbohydrates (39).
Another study in 100 overweight women found that those consuming almonds lost more weight than those in the nut-free group. They also had improvements in waist circumference and other health markers (40).
So, despite being high in fat, almonds are most definitely a weight loss friendly food.
However, almonds may cause problems for people who are prone to binge eating, as they can be quite “more-ish.”

Thursday, April 23, 2015

10 Weight-Loss Tips That Stick

There's no fad diet or miracle pill that will change your body overnight, but losing weight is within your reach — it just might take a little longer than you'd like. Consider this: when you lose weight at a slow and healthy pace, you'll be more likely to keep it off for good. If you're done with the days of yo-yo dieting, these 10 tips are the emotional stepping stones to a healthier lifestyle.
1. Start small: Chances are, if in the past, you've tried to change everything all at once, few of your intentions have stuck for good. The answer to staying committed for the long haul is to start small. Make one positive shift every week, instead of overwhelming yourself with a bunch of changes at once.

2. Find out what fuels you: Whatever your true motivation is, tap into it, and use it. Is it about fitting into a lot of clothes tucked away in the back of your closet? Is it about being lighter and more active, so you can run around outside with your kids? Getting serious about your long-term goals will keep you committed to your lifestyle change.

3. Don't focus on deprivation: According to celebrity trainer Heidi Powell, anytime you deprive yourself of food, or of anything, "all you want is what you can't have!" Take your mind-set away from sacrifice and start celebrating the fact that you're cultivating a healthier, happier, more energised life.

4. Learn to love consistency: When you have a regular mealtime schedule and fridge full of fresh produce and healthy staples, making choices that support your goals won't feel like a constant battle. Remember, this isn't a quick fix — this is a lifestyle change. After a few weeks, these things will feel like second nature.

5. Find healthy foods you love: It's true! Healthy food that supports weight loss can also be delicious! If you've been on a solid sugar- and salt-laden diet for years, it will take a little getting used to. But sooner than you think, those cravings start to dissipate, and clean, natural foods sound much more palatable.

6. Seek out exercise you enjoy: Heading to the gym shouldn't feel like pulling teeth. Keep on trying new group fitness classes, cardio machines, and different styles of exercise. When you find that one activity that flies by and feels like fun, you'll know you've met your match.

7. Plan ahead for indulgences whenever possible: Occasionally enjoying a sweet treat or special meal out are essential parts of sustainable weight-loss plan. When you know you're going to want a burger at your BBQ or an ice cream cone when you're at the beach next weekend, keep your diet extra clean leading up to your special indulgence. It will make the whole experience that much sweeter.

8. Have compassion for yourself: Sometimes, we're triggered by foods around us, we haven't planned ahead, and slipups happen. Instead of being hard on yourself after eating a food that's "off-limits," forgive yourself, and move on. When you treat yourself with kindness, you'll be able to bounce back and stay on track. Let's skip the downward spiral of a whole day (or week) filled with junk food, shall we?

9. Keep setting new goals: As you're evolving and progressing on your weight-loss journey, your goals have got to keep up! There's so much to celebrate beyond that number on the scale, and setting specific and personal mini-goals like training for a race (or slipping into that pair of old jeans) will help you stay connected.

10. Picture the new you: If you've struggled with your weight for a long time, it can be hard to visualise a new, healthier life. You might not be able to find the words right now, but creating a tangible reminder, like a healthy vision board covered in inspirational images, will help you start to recognise what your dreams look like.

Source: Shutterstock