Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Diet Honey, Quick Solutions Streamline Stomach

Diet Honey
Proportioned body not just be a dream women, but also men. To get it, the most common thing to do is to cut the consumption of sweet foods. How powerful is believed to shrink waistlines.

But that does not mean all sweet foods should be avoided. Consumption of honey is recommended because it helps erode even up to 1.4 pounds of fat a week. Diet in this way is called: The Honey Diet.

Honey works improves metabolism and burn fat while you sleep at night.

Mike Mc Innes, a nutritionist from the United States proved it in a study. He revealed that honey efficacious weight loss.
If you want to practice how this diet, sufficient consumption of one tablespoon of honey mixed with warm water , every day before bedtime. The benefit: reducing cravings night.

" Low -fat food sometimes also have sugar or flour. This will increase blood sugar throughout the day. Bodies with high sugar content will release the hormone insulin, to be stored as fat, " McInnes said as quoted by the Daily Mail.

According to him, failure is often caused by diet ' brain hungry ' or famine that affected the brain. Each brain cell is surrounded by ten or more ' feeder cells ' that controls the amount of blood sugar in the brain. These cells function ensure adequate sugar levels.

Some studies reveal, if a person eating too many biscuits, chocolate, or soft drinks, the cell will lose its function so that sugar levels will soar.

In contrast to the consumption of natural sugars such as honey. Not only lose weight, drink honey every night can also reduce stress and make sleep more soundly.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Want a Successful Diet and Slim Body , Try This Method

Rearrange your refrigerator

Arranging the food in the fridge turns should not be done haphazardly. Because the way you arrange the food in the freezer has a major influence on the success of your diet.

Author of Slim by Design : Mindless Eating Solution for Everyday Life, Dr. Brian Wansink, PhD , said swap the food in the fridge can train your brain to lose weight .

This will help you to choose healthy foods , so businesses have the ideal body can be achieved . Quoted from Woman's Day , here's how to set the location of food in the fridge .

Top shelf : Healthy Drinks

" You will tend to be three times more likely to pick up the first one you see when you open the fridge than the other stuff , " said Dr. Brian .

To that end , he suggested to fill the top shelf with a low-calorie beverages , such as skim milk or 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices . You can also keep a bottle of mineral water on the shelves , so you can easily retrieve it when thirsty .

Choosing low-calorie drinks will cut your calorie intake . Researchers from The University of Texas also said, healthy drinks can help you reduce soda consumption thereby accelerating the process of weight loss .

Top shelf : Add Measurement

If you want to lose or maintain weight , not only food and beverages that should exist in the refrigerator , but also cups and spoons . These two objects are used to measure food and drinks before entering into the mouth .

According to his research , Dr. Brian stated that the measure of food and beverages before consumption , able to control your portions and can reduce consumption up to 71 percent .

The second shelf : Fruit

Put fresh fruit in a bowl , and put the bowl on the second shelf in your fridge . According to the study , when the fruit more visible and more easily accessible , hence the desire to consume will increase. At least , so you can spend a bowl of fruit in a day .

"The more you consume fresh fruits and continues to add to its portion , you can lose weight about 10 kg per year " , added Dr. Brian .

Third shelf : Protein Rich Food

Arrange the poached eggs , bacon half cooked skinless chicken , yogurt and cheese perfectly on the third shelf . This rack is an ideal place for your protein source . Foods rich in protein , stimulates the intestine to release cholecystokinin , a hormone that can shut down hunger .

" People who consume more protein 2 ounces of meat at every meal he will lose 31 % of consumption of calories , " said Dr. . Brian .

Most Bottom Drawer : Temptation Diet

If usually the bottom drawer , you used to put the vegetables . From now on , make it as a hiding place foods that can tempt your diet . Such as chocolate , sweets and pastries .

" The desire to chew snack will disappear along most of the hard to find these foods in the refrigerator , " said Dr. Brian .

Door side : Sauce

Refrigerator door , you can use to put the chili sauce , spicy mustard , salsa sauce , as well as marinades and salad dressings pungent . Low-calorie sauces this , can you add to food to make you feel full faster .

Thus helping you lose 200 calories per day consumption . According to Drs . Brian , flavorful foods provide a stronger visual impression . So you become more easily satisfied when eating . It is also revealed by the research at the Smell and Taste Chigago 's Treatment and Research Foundation .

Freezer : Fill with Healthy Food

Rather than comply with the ice cream freezer , you should fill your freezer with healthy foods . Place the fish fillets , frozen vegetables , fruit bars and fruit berry in it .

" Saving the right foods in your refrigerator , making more difficult to cheat your diet , " says Michelle May , MD , author of Eat What You Love , Love What You Eat .

Exterior Doors : A Small Note

Not only the inside of the fridge which can be used to help reduce weight . The exterior of the refrigerator can also be used . Attach a reminder note on the refrigerator door to help your diet . Such as ' Am I Really Hungry ? ' or inspirational quote about dieting .

" Sometimes we like to open the refrigerator without knowing what we actually want . For that I suggest to stick little notes on the outside of your refrigerator door , " said Dr. . Brian

The entire Section : Must be Neat
After all the food put in the right place , make sure all food neatly arranged .

" The fridge is not neat is not a good friend for people who are dieting . Healthier food will be covered by other foods that would interfere with the process of dieting . Diligent to clean up and organize the refrigerator once a week . Put healthy foods in front and in the center of your focus when opening the refrigerator , "advises Susan .

Stomach Slim Without Diet, It's Way

Effective and inexpensive.

Complaints should not be said when running the diet program. Torturing indeed, because it must reduce or even avoid favorite foods. Not to mention, if it turns out that the diet made ​​it ineffective and even make weight increase. To get a slim body, actually many roads other than dieting. What is it?

Say " Yes " to vegetables

The study revealed that when he was offered a variety of foods, people tend to eat more. If you already know this, why not do the same thing on the greens? Replace some kind of high -fat dish with green vegetables are more filling.

Eating slowly

Do not get upset if your friends have eaten in a long time. Because in fact, it is supposed to do if you want to get the ideal body weight . Make it a habit to take a break from each mouthful that goes. Chew food slowly and feel each bite.

Consumption of grains

Replace white rice with brown rice and barley and wheat consumption multiplies. High fiber content in grain - bijianm help you feel full longer.

Reduce alcohol

Although the researchers from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and the Mayo Clinic Family Medicine Program/​​Rochester, United States stated that: alcohol consumption cut the risk of obesity, excess alcohol but actually have a higher risk. For, when the consumption of alcohol, at the same time the desire to eat is also higher.

Focus on the target

Do you have a favorite pair of jeans that no longer fit now? Compared to the number of scales, these objects would make a better motivation to lose weight.

Bring stock

No harm to bring food from home. Besides saving money, you can live healthier and ensure cleanliness of food ate.

Drinking green tea

Several studies have shown that green tea can increase the body's ability to burn more calories. This is presumably due to the high content of catechins in green tea.


You do not have to be strong for marathon runners burn more calories. Research shows that walking for 20 minutes a day can help you burn 100 calories more than usual.

Eat with smaller plates

The larger the size of the plate is usually the amount of food taken is also growing. It is better you take food with smaller plates. This method helps you to think that the portion of food taken is normal. When in fact you have just reduce 100-200 calories in food.

Select the menu in the restaurant

Too often eat at the restaurant, adding more calories than when you eat at home. So, smart attitude is needed in choosing foods. You can also split a meal with a friend or order a menu appetizer as a main meal.

Diet at Age 40 to 50

Diet at Age 40 to 50
For those of you who find it difficult to lose weight , it could be due to the type of diet that you live wrong . In fact , as we age , the body's metabolism slows down more . This resulted in the number of stubborn fat becomes more difficult to remove .

In addition , as we get older , many who suffer from arthritis and had difficulty breathing . This makes it becomes increasingly difficult to exercise and lose weight .

Not only that , keep in mind also that the body's nutritional needs change when you reach the age of 40s and 50s. That is one reason why you should change your diet type .

For that , consider some tips in determining the type of age-appropriate diet so the weight loss process can run smoothly .

- You need to think about what food you eat , every day and how much . Slower metabolism will affect the body's ability to burn calories .

To that end , consider carefully before consuming unhealthy foods such as snacks and desserts .

- Regular exercise you also have to be changed , ie, by adding flexible movements that will help strengthen joints and muscles are growing older .

Exercises such as yoga and Pilates can be an option for being able to build muscle without risk of injury . Not only that , you also need to exercise intensity increased , so you 'll get better results .

- Your body needs nutrients better with age to support the muscles , circulatory system , joints and so on .

To that end , multiply the consumption of food or beverages that are rich in calcium for healthy bones and joints , as well as protein to repair your muscles so they can support the body properly , especially when exercising .

- You also need to consider to calculate or record calories per day . This will help you limit the intake of excess calories which often comes from the little things you do , like adding sugar to drinks or eating fried as a snack .